The following resources are not intended to be used as a substitute for therapy from a licensed mental health professional and are not sufficient to treat any mental health illness.
They are for education purposes and a great place to "start" on your journey to health and healing.
I do not have a financial connection to any of the below suggestions nor do I benefit in any way if you choose to purchase materials, view their sites, or use their services - they are truly my favorite resources.
Please note that the colored words are linked to other websites.
If you need Immediate help and are in crisis Please call 911, Go to your nearest hospital emergency room or call Bexar County Mental Health Crisis Line CHCS 24-Hour Crisis Line: 210-223-SAFE(7233)
The ongoing stress of a post-Covid world has affected all of us; some more than others. This makes it all the more important to plug into our support systems & resources. For some, this means attending meetings again via Zoom or even just listening to a meeting in progress via phone. Get connected. It works if you work it! Find a meeting.
Eating Disorders Anonymous - HERE OA (Overeaters Anonymous) - HERE AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) - HERE ALANON - HERE
In my professional opinion, Drs. John and Julie Gottman are the gold standard for marriage therapy. They have extensive research to back the efficacy of their methods. This is why I am in the final stage of pursuing a certification in Gottman Couples Therapy. While there is no substitute for the benefits and insight that can come from a therapeutic relationship, a good place to start getting information is their books and talks. The Gottman Institute
Heart Smarts Adventure: HERE Online lessons and activities for kids/teens by HeartMath to learn about their emotions/stress and how to manage them in a healthy way. (I purchased this as a user for my children and we love it.)
Parenting From the Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. (Book)
Brainstorm: The Power & Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. (Book)
ADDitude - ADD & ADHD Symptom Tests, Signs, Treatment, Support ADDitude is a webpage with trusted information about ADHD in kids & adults. Better yet, they have FREE webinars for parents and professionals as well as a large library of past webinars. They offer a magazine subscription as well. I am a subscriber and find their articles approachable and valuable.
Russell A. Barkley, one of the most respected researchers and psychologists in the field of ADHD. He generously has numerous talks available for free across the web. YouTube is a good place to start.
ADHD Dude: Ryan Wexelblatt is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in ADHD in boys. He has a YouTube channel with great videos for parents and sons. He also has a website where he offers courses for parents. I have been very impressed with all of his work. Since the current recommendation for ADHD treatment is medication management for the child and parent/caregiver training, Ryan is a great resource.
*Important Note: It doesn't take much time on the internet to find many different and strong OPINIONS about ADHD, its causes, its nature, its treatment, and its prevalence. It is critical that parents get scientifically sound advice. ADHD has a strong genetic link. In fact, if a parent has ADHD a child has over a 30% chance of having it. Also ADHD is a bit of a misnomer as hyperactivity is the most visible sign and is often what brings families into treatment because of how disruptive it can be in a family and school, but the real and often overlooked concern is the child's executive function delay.
Miscarriage is often a painful experience that is shared by the whole family. Because of its unique dynamics, mothers and couples can find it hard to get support and/or resources. We hope the following can help in this difficult time. (Please note we have no financial affiliation with any of the companies nor can we guarantee that we agree with the content on all blogs and articles. However, many previous clients have found these resources helpful.)
Local Support: We also suggest searching the web for "Miscarriage Support in _____" (Fill in your city name) Connections with others who have experienced similar losses is invaluable to healing.
Psychoeducation Course on Catholic Mindfulness by Dr. Greg Bottaro (not affiliated): HERE
Free online Mindfulness Course by Palouse Mindfulness: HERE
OCD & Scrupulosity
International OCD Foundation
Scrupulous Anonymous
finding other therapists:
If you and I are not a match for a therapeutic relationship for any reason including finances and scheduling conflicts there are other licensed professionals that can help you and it is important not to wait to get therapy if you need it because we are not a match at this time.
While I cannot speak to the skills and ability of each therapist listed in the below sites, in general, I have found the following sites a good place to start to find a therapist who can accommodate your needs if I can not.
*Please note that referral sites often charge a fee for a therapist to have their practice listed. Just because a therapist is not on a certain treatment finder site does not mean that they are not skilled in that area.